
The Red Troops are the most powerful army in Club Penguin Rewritten. Our Empire of servers stretches right across Club Penguin Rewritten and we need a capable force to protect it. Here you can see our Empire, what servers we own, our allies and what each server is used for. Our capital is the most important server we have and must be defended at all costs. Also come to this page to see our Empire’s war status.



-Co Capital-



Snow Avalanche

Defend these servers at all cost. Any other army staging battles or events on these servers without permission is an immediate enemy.




Bandits of CPR


Everyone else.


Cold war. Be on the look out for enemies on our servers.


Government of Red Troops


  1. Current Government
  2. Flag
  3. Law Book

Current Government

The current govenment who are in charge and rule CPRT are the ends all and be all. The words of the government’s final decision can not be overruled. CPRT are controlled  by our glorious Emperors who will never steer us wrong.

Here’s how it works:

Judge: The job of the judges is to listen to these matters and the judges take a vote on weather they believe it is a matter which should be passed and resolved. To prevent a draw from happening there is always an odd number of judges. If the judges pass the motion then it is passed onto the Vice President/President to make the decision.

Head Judge: The head judge is a rare position and is usually given to a retired leader or the advisor of CPRT. They decide whether we should show any mercy to the evil traitor that betrayed the most glorious army or left for an inferior army.

Vice President: The vice president is the man under the president. He can make all the same decisions as the president but the president has to agree upon these decisions before they are passed. He is also able to advice the president.

President: The president’s job is to make the final verdict. He is able to overrule anything but he must listen to the words of everybody. This does not mean it’s a dictatorship. This means that the president has to listen to everything every member has an opinion of, which is usually voiced through a senator, but he does not have to heath it.



Law Book

The law book is broken up into sections which contain versus containing the different laws. This is the CPRT law book officially made by Jonty99 and other Red Troops in power.

Section 1

Verse 1: Treason is a bannable offence. If treason occurs then the player responsible will be punished severely. Treason is to the discretion of the current leader. However, the minimum punishment for treason is a lifetime ban from the Red Troops.

Verse 2: Banned on chat does not mean banned from the army. If a user is inappropriate on chat it is up to the current leader in charge to decide the punishment and him only.

Verse 3: CPRT has a 1 army rule for 5ic and up. Anyone in more than 1 army will not be able to become a leader.

Verse 4: Tobercold is the creator of CPRT and nobody can ever dispute that. Any leader who attempts to say his name in vain is to be removed from his throne immediately. Our glorious Emperor Tobercold will never steer us wrong.

Verse 5: Covering up for something somebody did or not reporting them is treated with half the punishment the person responsible recieves. If they recieve a 1 year ban, you’ll recieve a 6 month ban. Report anyone breaking the rules.

Verse 6: In the case of a bad leader ever coming to power, Tobercold the Emperor is to be informed however way you manage that. He is the only one who can stop that person and remove them. All leaders must be decided by every leader in the army.

Verse 7: Former leaders are to be respected as always.

Verse 8: Respect members as you would a leader if you ever want to become a mod or if you don’t want to be banned.

Verse 9: Abuse of powers will result in you losing your powers for 1 week. Any punishments more severely are at the discretion of the court.

Verse 10: Remember, all of the offences are to be brought up to the jury where the head judge is the prosecutor.

Section 2

Verse 1: If the defendant pleads guilty he receives the mandatory minimum punishment and no more.

Verse 2: If the defendant decides to take the case to court and there is sufficient evidence to create a guilty verdict he will be shot down by a firing squad of the Glorious Red Troops Empire.

Verse 3: If the defendant decides to take the case to court and their is insufficient evides, creating an innocent case, he should be let free and the case is to be closed.

Verse 4: If the case is closed and more evidence comes out to prove a person is guilty, the evidence will not be brought back to the same court but instead brought to a minor court in which the president at that time decides weather he will ever be allowed to become 3ic or higher again.

Section 3

Verse 1: The CPRT name must never be changed. It is a glorious name and cannot be soured.

Verse 2: The glorious Emperor’s decisions are final.

Verse 3: The maximum amount of votes needed for a matter to be passed is 90%. No more is allowed.

Verse 4: The minimum amount of votes needed for a matter to be passed is 40%. No less is allowed.

Verse 5: The law book remains written in stone. As long as the law book exists, it is absolutely against the rules to break it. Only the glorious Emperor of the Red Troops or Jonty99 can change this.



    Please unban me

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